130 Unique DIY Christmas Tree Project Ideas that Anyone Will Love

46 Paper Doily Tree

Paper Doily Tree46. Paper Doily Tree: Paper Doilie Tree (via Sweet Paul Magazine)

47 Stacked Christmas Tree

Stacked Christmas Tree47. Stacked Christmas Tree (via Sweet Paul Magazine)

48 Perforated Cone Christmas Tree

Perforated Cone Christmas Tree48. Perforated Cone Christmas Tree: It’s not surprising that I spend quite a bit of time at the craft store. As a full-time craft, design, and art blogger, I’ve grown quite familiar with my looped route of hardware store/craft store/art supply shop/other craft store/supermarket…in that order. So, it’s always a pleasant surprise when I find some new material or media I’ve never seen before, and to think of all kinds of cool stuff to do with it. This holiday season, it was the papier-mache cone. Since it’s not with the other compressed paper boxes, letters, and forms, it slipped under my radar for the last,… (via Curbly)

49 Left Over Wood Christmas Tree

Left Over Wood Christmas Tree49. Left Over Wood Christmas Tree: Here’s a little DIY tip for those of you who do not have space for a Christmas tree! We have a very dull wall in our shop so I got this bright idea… S got inspired and brought some left-over… (via syko)

50 Rolled Paper Tree

Rolled Paper Tree50. Rolled Paper Tree (via Craftaphile)

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