30 Creative DIY Hacks to Improve Your Home that are Borderline Genius

26 Rubber Band to Unscrew Stripped Screws

Rubber Band to Unscrew Stripped Screws26. Rubber Band to Unscrew Stripped Screws (via Pinterest)

27 Aluminum Foil as Dryer Sheet

Aluminum Foil as Dryer Sheet27. Aluminum Foil as Dryer Sheet: For more Budget Tips go HERE Other great tips 5 Strange But Amazing Uses For Apples Lemonade Kool-Aid as Dishwasher Cleaner Aluminum Foil as Dryer Sheet! This is one of my best Budget Savvy tip you do not need (via Budget Savvy Diva)

28 Painted Drawer for a Shelf

Painted Drawer for a Shelf28. Painted Drawer for a Shelf (via How Do It)

29 Stenciled Closet

Stenciled Closet29. Stenciled Closet: Around the holidays, Cutting Edge Stencils contacted me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing one of their stencils. Since I was already a fan and own (via The Lil House that Could)

30 Use Wine Rack as Towel Holder

Use Wine Rack as Towel Holder30. Use Wine Rack as Towel Holder (via Flickr)

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