35 Genius Products You Need In Your Life

6 LED Faucet Lights

6. LED Faucet Lights: Now Available in a temperature sensitive version! Tired of that same old monotonous water? Bored with water that doesn’t look like futuristic mouthwash? Then you need to get the LED faucet attachment from ThinkGeek… (via ThinkGeek)

7 Instantly transfers printed text into your Smartphone or to any application on your PC or Mac computer

7. Instantly transfers printed text into your Smartphone or to any application on your PC or Mac computer: The Digital Highlighter that lets you take notes and create summaries instantly (via Scanmarker)

8 Cordless Water Pump

8. Cordless Water Pump: Cordless Water Pump available at Harriet Carter. Cordless water pump dispenses bottled water without back-breaking lifting or wasteful spilling. Browse our other Kitchen Helpers products to compliment your Cordless Water Pump purchase. (via Harriet Carter)

9 Hoodie Backpack

9. Hoodie Backpack: One of the most annoying things about wearing a jacket and carrying a backpack is how bulky it all feels as you trudge across campus, or whatever place you take (via InStash)

10 Food Huggers

10. Food Huggers: Don’t worry, Food Huggers are not a group of people lecturing you about loving your food, they’re small silicone thingamajigs that help you save your fruits and vegetable from the trash (via Better Living Through Design)