40 Creative DIY Wine Bottle Craft Ideas

21 Modular Shelving

21. Modular Shelving: Ten Green is a modular shelving system, constructed simply from local recyclates. This prototype was built with the Coach House Trust in Glasgow, using bottles from their recycling center, and wood from the maintenance of their own sites. You can use any found timber, and adapt the dimensions to suit the wood you are working with. Some examples are for sale at our shop here. Design is released under a share alike/attribution CC license by Zero-waste Design. (via royshearer)

22 Bottle Pendant Lamps

22. Bottle Pendant Lamps (via iLoveToCreate Blog)

23 Wine Bottle Rope Beachy Ballard

23. Wine Bottle Rope Beachy Ballard (via Cameo Cottage Designs)

24 Burlap Wine Bottle Bags

24. Burlap Wine Bottle Bags (via SouthHouseBoutique)

25 Easy Upcycle Vase

25. Easy Upcycle Vase: Empty wine bottles have become a new obsession for me. I cant pass one without pausing to consider how it could be upcycled much like wood pallets. Cutting wine bottles is surprisingly simple, as you will see in the (via Totally Green Crafts)