45 Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know, They are Amazingly Awesome

31 Color Code Your Keys

31. Color Code Your Keys: My office has two different locks with two almost identical keys. I often try to open the door with the wrong key and it frustrates me to no end. So I found a simple solution to my problem: color-c… (via Jewel Pie)

32 Soda Can Beer Sleeve

32. Soda Can Beer Sleeve (via Hack College)

33 Glitter Heel Fix

33. Glitter Heel Fix (via WobiSobi)

34 Organic Lip Balm

34. Organic Lip Balm: Make an all natural mixture for this soft and silky lip balm. These make great gifts too! (via Lia Griffith)

35 Organize Purses using Shower Curtain Hooks

35. Organize Purses using Shower Curtain Hooks (via Tart House)