50 Awesome No-Sew DIY Projects

31 No-Sew Clutch

31. No-Sew Clutch (via by Wilma)

32 Pom Pom Hat

32. Pom Pom Hat: Isn’t this hat cute? And guess how long it took me to make it? Oh about ten minutes, really! How’s that for a quick last minute gift, or even a fun holiday crafting activity. Who wouldn’t love a new cozy… (via Creative Jewish Mom)

33 Bold Striped Drapes

33. Bold Striped Drapes (via The Yellow Cape Cod)

34 Fabric Panels Wall Art

34. Fabric Panels Wall Art: Gosh, you all are so sweet! Thank you for the nice comments about my new studio – if I could, I’d have everyone over for tea, lemon scones, and crafty conversation ???? My fabric panels are super simple and I wanted to share how I made them. The inspiration was what many of us face when we have fabric we love but can’t bear to cut it – what to do? I used foam core, double stick tape (I like poster tape especially or ones available for scrapbookers) and wall putty to put them all together. Cut your foam core to accommodate the piece of fabric that you are using. (via Bella Dia)

35 Dog Bow Tie

35. Dog Bow Tie (via Chic Sprinkles)