50 Common Household Products You’ll Never Have To Buy Again

41 Tile Grout Cleaner

41. Tile Grout Cleaner: Homemade Grout Cleaner Safe Non Toxic. A safe and natural grout cleaner that even your kids can touch to help you scrub the floors! (via Gathered in the Kitchen)

42 Carpet Deodorizer

42. Carpet Deodorizer: Here is a simply and easy non-toxic homemade carpet deodorizer recipe. Made with items you already have laying around your house! (via I am That Lady)

43 Silver Cleaner

43. Silver Cleaner (via Louise’s Country Closet)

44 Make Your Own Car Cleaners

44. Make Your Own Car Cleaners (via Perfect Shine House Keeping)

45 Dishwasher Tablets

45. Dishwasher Tablets: Providing financially for a family of 8 is always a balancing act. When my older kids were babies, I couldn’t believe how much money it cost to provide for their basic needs. If only I could go back to those cheap days! Babies don’t even compare in cost to teenagers and college students. *KA-BOOM* (via My Kitchen Escapades)

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