50 Common Household Products You’ll Never Have To Buy Again

1 Spray Starch

1. Spray Starch: If you like the feel of spray starch, you’ll love being able to make this quick, easy, and eco-friendly version. Here’s how to make spray starch at home! (via Crafting a Green World)

2 Makeup Brush Cleaner

2. Makeup Brush Cleaner (via To Market, To Market)

3 Homemade Deodorant

3. Homemade Deodorant (via Sew Green)

4 Homemade Natural Translucent Powder

4. Homemade Natural Translucent Powder: Hey friends! I am beyond excited to share my latest DIY find with you, homemade all-natural translucent powder! I heard about this from a friend and thought it (via Great Oak Circle)

5 Bubble Bath

5. Bubble Bath: This Valentines Day, treat yourself with this easy to make homemade bubble bath! (via Free People)

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