50 Creative DIY Project Ideas for Fall

46 Pot Scrubber Pumpkins

46. Pot Scrubber Pumpkins: I was in my favorite store (the Dollar Store) the other day and noticed these copper colored pot scrubbers. I made an amazing wreath last Christmas out of silver pot scrubbers, see how to do it h (via Life is a Party)

47 Acorn Wreath

47. Acorn Wreath: Simple and inexpensive, these DIY Acorn Wreaths make decorating with natural elements so easy! (via On Sutton Place)

48 Neutral Fall Wreath

48. Neutral Fall Wreath: Hi there sweet friends! Is it still steamy where you are right now? As I am writing this it is 94 outside. Nevertheless I am forging onward…with a brand (via Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer)

49 Easy Fall Hydrangea Wreath

49. Easy Fall Hydrangea Wreath: Create this Easy Fall Hydrangea Wreath in minutes to update your decor for the fall! (via A Night Owl)

50 Sunflower Fall Wreath

50. Sunflower Fall Wreath: how to make a fall wreath (via Daisy Mae Belle)