50 Creative DIY String Art Project Ideas

36 Batman String Nail Art

36. Batman String Nail Art: Create string art with nails, wood and a few simple steps. (via A Turtle’s Life for Me)

37 String Tree Wall Mural

37. String Tree Wall Mural: This impressive mural (along with a few others) were made by artist Kathryn Anderson with nothing more than pushpins and yarn. We’ll show you how you can create your own, step by step and with tips from the artist. (via Apartment Therapy)

38 Ombré String Art Anchor

38. Ombré String Art Anchor (via Kaliedub)

39 Kitchen Wall Art

39. Kitchen Wall Art: Lately I have been working on organizing and decorating in the kitchen/dining room of my house. Even though these spaces are pretty small I have somehow managed to keep them really minimal (read: bare) since I moved in last year. ???? I really wanted to create some kind of string art ever since I saw this one from Elise’s blog. There are so many different takes on string (or yarn) art…. (via A Beautiful Mess)

40 String Art for Kids

40. String Art for Kids: This DIY string art for kids tutorial is the perfect craft for those rainy or extra hot days when you and the kids want to stay inside. Let’s get started! (via Crafts Unleashed)