50 Ingenious DIY Clock Project Ideas

46 LEGO Clock

46. LEGO Clock: Geek decor: Ten dollars and twenty minutes for a really easy and fully customizable DIY LEGO clock. Great for your geek office. (via our NERD home)

47 Colorful Kitchen Clock

47. Colorful Kitchen Clock: Have you ever just had a project idea in your head that didn’t exactly fit your style but you fell in love with it anyway? Yeah. That happened to me recently. I don’t usually make projects with tons of colors. I’m just not a heavy color person. If you look in my closet or around my house you’d see that it’s not exactly a rainbow. I tend to stick to… (via A Beautiful Mess)

48 Wall Art and Clock

48. Wall Art and Clock (via John R Wallace)

49 Tower Wall Clock

49. Tower Wall Clock (via EPBOT)

50 Turn a Book Into a Handsome Clock

50. Turn a Book Into a Handsome Clock: Turn an old, favorite book into a keepsake clock that can be displayed anywhere in your home. Makes for a great gift or just a fun weekend project. (via The Art of Manliness)