Buying Hemp CBD Flower: Meet The OG Kush

Buying Hemp CBD Flower: Meet The OG Kush

There is probably no need for me to start by explaining what it is that a hemp flower can do for you and what are the benefits that come with it. Given the fact that you are here, I can only assume that you are a bit further down the road when your research is in question and that you are already familiar with those benefits. You’re here to learn something else.

Judging by the things that you have most likely typed in your browser (no, I’m not a magician, but you must have typed something to get you here), you want to buy your hemp flower and you want to learn which one to get. Well, I certainly wouldn’t make any decisions whatsoever without meeting the OG Kush, the information about which you can get at and similar useful sources.

OG Kush, with the OG standing for “original”, is practically a legendary strain in the cannabis world. It is said to be first cultivated in Florida, during the early ‘90s. It is a cross between two strains and it is known for its unique aroma stemming from a unique terpenes profile. While talking about its history might be nice and interesting, I suppose that you are more curious about what it is that makes this specific flower so great and special, so let’s talk about that instead.

It’s Legal In All 50 States

It’s only fair that we start with the most necessary piece of information of them all. Although you are probably here to hear more about OG Kush in general, you cannot help but wonder about its legality at the same time. Well, you can stop wondering alright. As you will find out form any relevant source you decide to use, OG Kush is definitely legal in all 50 states of the United States of America.

It Is High In CBD

Let us now get back to the more interesting and probably more important data. I have no doubt in my mind that you are curious about the amount of CBD contained in this specific flower, since the ratio of CBD and THC is the one thing that you need to be familiar with whenever choosing the right hemp flower for you. It might also be a good idea to learn more about the difference between hemp and weed flower. Anyway, here’s what you need to know when CBD is in question.

OG Kush is certainly high in this particular compound, which is making a lot of Cannabidiol enthusiasts rather happy, since the main reason why they are buying these flowers in the first place is because they want to get the Cannabidiol benefits that they have heard about. Rest assured that OG Kush doesn’t fall short when those benefits are in question. It’s filled with CBD.

You Can Find It With 0% THC

Apart from Cannabidiol, you are probably also concerned about the Tetrahydrocannabinol concentration and I can’t blame you. There has been so much talk about THC and its effects that you probably want to avoid risking anything. Luckily, when you find your perfect supplier, you will be able to enjoy OG Kush that has 0% of THC. That’s the whole point, isn’t it?

It’s Strong

Now, buying your particular hemp flower without knowing its strength would definitely be the wrong move. You certainly want to know if it can reduce the symptoms that you might be dealing with or affect you positively in any particular way that you want. In order to be able to treat certain symptoms, a strain needs to be strong.

OG Kush is definitely strong, meaning that you will be able to enjoy all the hemp flower benefits that you have heard about. This product will be able to treat pain, anxiety and all kinds of other symptoms. It’s no wonder that it is becoming increasingly popular.

It’s Mostly Used For Relaxation

Even though this particular strain can treat pain and other symptoms, it is mostly known for its relaxation effects. In other words, it is mostly used by people who want to relax after a stressful day, week, or month. We all need that from time to time.