Celebrations Are Still Important In 2020

Celebrations Are Still Important In 2020

With so much doom and gloom surrounding this year, many feel obliged to cancel or disregard any type of celebration – including those that mark a special occasion such as wedding anniversaries. But, if anything, now is the time we need to focus on positive things so that we are not swept away in the negativity of the news.

Celebrations lift our spirits, and especially with wedding anniversaries, we take a trip down memory lane and create new memories too. Despite not being able to make grand plans this year, anniversaries are still worth celebrating without the luxury! Don’t miss the chance to show your other half just how special they are to you – after all, it’s the smaller things!

Here are just a few ideas to get your creative juices going and get you in the celebratory spirit:

Share Memories:

How did you meet? What was your favourite trip together? Remember your wedding day? Goofiest moments together? Take time to remember moments you have shared; the moments that made you realise how much you love and appreciate the person beside you. Look through photo albums to refresh your memories, perhaps select your favourites and print them to create a whole new album!


Thanks to modern technology, we don’t have to leave the house to purchase a gift! Take time selecting a gift – try to get something personalised, with a special message or special meaning. Most retailers offer quick home delivery (but don’t leave to the last minute), and you don’t have to worry about social distancing requirements.

Food is a Love Language:

Experts believe food is the ultimate love language: it incorporates all other love languages and all 5 senses! Through food we can create powerful connections and express love.

With this in mind, can you take some time in the morning to prepare breakfast for your partner? Breakfast in bed is always a thoughtful surprise, especially if it’s something they normally do for you. Can you prepare a special dinner? Perhaps cook a dish that triggers a happy memory for both of you, light some candles and don’t forget to dress up! Being home doesn’t change the fact this is your anniversary dinner.

Learn something together:

Learning something new together can strengthen your bond and bring renewed excitement to your relationship. It’s unlikely you will be able to take physical classes, but long-distance learning to the rescue! There is a plethora of online classes to choose from online and quite a lot of providers do these for free; so what will you try? Dance? Cooking? A new language? With the internet, the world is your oyster.

If you have Children:

Since leaving the house or having some care for your children is unlikely to be an option, why not try to include them in your plans? Perhaps have them help prepare the food or even keep your partner busy if you’re hoping to surprise them!

Whatever you decide, don’t let 2020 ruin your anniversary!