25 DIY Coaster Ideas

16 Natural Branch Coasters

16. Natural Branch Coasters: Making a set of coasters from a fallen tree will allow the beauty of that wood to live on and tell the story in its rings. This project goes perfectly with the Branch Coat Rack I made a few months ago. It was a sad day when the largest, oldest tree on my street was hacked down and unceremoniously chucked … (via Garden Therapy)

17 Teapot Trivet and Coasters

17. Teapot Trivet and Coasters (via refabulous)

18 Nautical Sisal Rope Coasters

18. Nautical Sisal Rope Coasters: I’m sharing a fun and easy way to bring some nautical decor into your home today. DIY Nautical Sisal Rope Coasters. If you’ve been around here awhile then you know by now that I have a love fornautical decor. It makes appearances all throughout my house. (via Making Home Base)

19 Bead Coasters

19. Bead Coasters (via Tuts+)

20 Ink Coasters

20. Ink Coasters: For the past few weeks I feel like the weather’s been deciding between rainy and warm or cold and sunny, but this weekend spring finally gave us the best of both worlds, warm and sunny. I decided to make the most of it by finding things to do outside, going to Raleigh first friday to (via My Good Morning)