25 Fantastic Ways to Use White Vinegar You Never Knew

21 Multi-Purpose Cleaner

21. Multi-Purpose Cleaner (via Lexie Naturals)

22 Remove Wallpaper Naturally and Frugally

22. Remove Wallpaper Naturally and Frugally: When we bought this new house I’m 100% sure we had no idea what we were getting in to with the wallpaper. I thought Oh, its just wallpaper. Well take it down and that will be that. WRONG. I was such a doofus. That is NOT how wallpaper operates, ya’ll. Its ruthless. It makes grown men (via Stacy Makes Cents)

23 Vinegar and Dishsoap for Shower Cleaner & Laundry Stain Remover

23. Vinegar and Dishsoap for Shower Cleaner & Laundry Stain Remover: How to use vinegar and natural dish soap for homemade daily shower cleaner and a non-toxic laundry stain spray. (via Live Renewed)

24 Safe Bathroom Cleaners

24. Safe Bathroom Cleaners: I’ve tried a lot of safe methods while cleaning my bathroom and have put a lot of thought into my methods. Here are some of my favorite ways to clean my bathroom without toxins: (via Accidentally Green)

25 Odor Eliminating Freshening Spray

25. Odor Eliminating Freshening Spray: I am working to get our home back in shape after so many of us were sick. Today is a gorgeous sunny day so I have lots of windows open to air out the house. However, I decided that we needed a little more help than that with the smells. Being frugal and having a…Read More (via Blessings Overflowing)