30 Awesome Ways to Actually Deep Clean Your Car

1 Use a cotton swab or a sponge brush to clean the vents

1. Use a cotton swab or a sponge brush to clean the vents: Car Detailing – Most of us set time aside every spring to give our homes a good cleaning. What about our cars? Sure they may get washed and a periodic vacuuming (via Fluster Buster)

2 Suck Up the Dust As You Go

2. Suck Up the Dust As You Go: Ten simple ways to get your car looking almost brand new! (via Family Handyman)

3 The “Hot Iron” Trick

3. The “Hot Iron” Trick: Most people spend a significant amount of time in their vehicles. If you are one of those that live in your car and, especially those with kids, you know how dirty your car can get. Follow along as we show how to clean common automotive fabrics and stains (via Popular Mechanics)

4 Dashboard polish with olive oil

4. Dashboard polish with olive oil: The sun is shining and it always seems to emphasize dust especially in a vehicle. My van is a typical mom mobile it is for the most part really, really messy. Today we deep cleaned our van and I realized this is another area of our lives where traditional, toxic gimmicks advertising cleaning (via Mommy Footprint)

5 Squeegee + spray bottle of water = getting a lot of the embedded hair out of the seats

5. Squeegee + spray bottle of water = getting a lot of the embedded hair out of the seats: After a nap this afternoon I finally got up and got some kind of motivation in me. A few months ago I took the dogs blanket out of the back of the car and made the mistake of never putting it back… (via careabearasara)

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