30 Coolest DIY Projects that You’ve Never Heard of

6 Salt Dough Tags

6. Salt Dough Tags: Gorgeous salt dough tags are easy to make. Use them to add pizazz to your DIY wedding favors. (via Intimate Weddings)

7 Shoe Holder Planter

7. Shoe Holder Planter: ”How to solve a problem like cats digging and toileting in the vegetable patch”””, and growing veg in a very small garden. I needed a solution and… (via Instructables)

8 Tea or Coffee Cup with a Message

8. Tea or Coffee Cup with a Message (via JT’s bloggedventures.)

9 Book Bead Curtain

9. Book Bead Curtain: I have wanted to make a paper bead curtain for the longest time, but as you can see it takes a crazy amount of time! I used about 1,000 paper beads to make this one! It takes me about a minute to make each paper beads, soooo you can do the math, its kinda nuts. It would have been cool to … (via Trashy Crafter)

10 Vintage Keys Frame

10. Vintage Keys Frame: We always lose the keys and spend time looking for them in a hurry. Here’s a way not to look for them and not to be late everywhere. Make a frame where you (via Shelterness)