30 Creative DIY Hacks to Improve Your Home that are Borderline Genius

11 Wash LEGO in Washing Machines

11. Wash LEGO in Washing Machines (via Gettin’ By)

12 Use Magnet as Nail Holder

12. Use Magnet as Nail Holder: My dad is a veritable wealth of handyman knowledge. His dad, my Pop, was a builder. Since kids are always … keep reading! (via Dream a Little Bigger)

13 Eucalyptus In the Bathroom. It will make an amazing fragrance with the steam

13. Eucalyptus In the Bathroom. It will make an amazing fragrance with the steam: Last winter, when I visited my sister who lived in Italy (I know, lucky!) their showerheads had fresh sprigs of Eucalyptus casually tied on. When you took a hot bath or shower, the steam made the fragrance amazing and it looks like Maxwell has also experimented with Eucalyptus In the Bathroom. It’s inexpensive and easy to do, especially this time of year. (via Apartment Therapy)

14 Use Press’N Seal Wrap Instead of Tape

14. Use Press’N Seal Wrap Instead of Tape: Protect against spills, splatters and other disasters (via The Family Handyman)

15 Keep water bottles and travel mugs from falling out of your cabinets

15. Keep water bottles and travel mugs from falling out of your cabinets (via My House My Home)