30 Genius Hacks For Your Tiny Closet

21 Use a trunk to store out-of-season clothing or shoes

21. Use a trunk to store out-of-season clothing or shoes: Your home for all things Design. Home Tours, DIY Project, City Guides, Shopping Guides, Before & Afters and much more (via Design Sponge)

22 shoe organizers on a room divider or screen

22. shoe organizers on a room divider or screen: Apparently, the “average” woman in the U.S. owns 17 pairs of shoes. I won’t tell you where I rank but it’s a big enough number that it has inspired me to create clever shoe storage solutions for the “above-average” woman. (via Huffingtonpost)

23 Mount cutlery trays to store your jewelry

23. Mount cutlery trays to store your jewelry: I LOVE Jewelry, real jewelry, costume jewelry, all of it . . . almost as much as I love shoes!I have a small jewelry box for my real jewelry. As much as Id love to fill a wall with gold and diamond jewelry, we cant afford that so as far as my real items go, I only own the classics. A small pair of diamond studs, a pair of peal earrings, a pearl necklace, a cocktail ring, a couple of white gold bands, and of coarse my wedding band and engagement ring!! But it wasn’t my good jewelry I was (via Mini Manor Blog)

24 Tie your scarves and stockings to hangers for easy storage

24. Tie your scarves and stockings to hangers for easy storage: Personal Style and Fashion Blogger Jessica Quirk shows you how to incorporate bargain buys and vintage finds together with investment pieces to create a look that makes you look good and feel good. (via What I Wore)

25 No Slip Hanger Solutions

25. No Slip Hanger Solutions: I have posted about making your own No-Slip Hangers once before here. These were pretty much life-changing for me! ???? I cant tell you how aggravated I would get over shirts, sweaters, skirts and dresses slipping off the ends of the hanger and onto the floor in a heap! It was almost a little ridiculous. (via One Good Thing by Jillee)