30 Genius Hacks that Will Make ANY Dog Owner’s Life Easier

11 Pet Feeding Station Hack

11. Pet Feeding Station Hack: I made a doggie pet feeding station out of a shelf from the kids section. And I added lights! (via IKEA Hackers)

12 Rubber Glove as Pet Hair Remover

12. Rubber Glove as Pet Hair Remover: A clever way to repurpose an everyday item. (via Real Simple)

13 Make Your Own Natural Dog Shampoo – Flea Removal

13. Make Your Own Natural Dog Shampoo – Flea Removal: My poor pooch had a couple of fleas on her this summer (never had this issue before) and I needed a way to bathe her and kill the fleas without causing skin reactions as she has so many allergies. I found this through the e-how website and IT WORKED! The fleas just floated in the water and died and best of all little Libby did not have any reactions at all to the process. Cooking time is actually the time to leave the solution on the dog. (via Food)

14 For easy tick removal use liquid soap and cotton ball

14. For easy tick removal use liquid soap and cotton ball (via sandiegocounty.gov)

15 Slatt Dog House

15. Slatt Dog House: After sorting and organizing the misc wood pieces of wood I picked up at IKEA in their AS-IS section, I came up with a design incorporating bed slats, 2 table tops and some misc pieces to act as support pillars. I wanted something that would give my dog a sense of coverage while still allowing (via IKEA Hackers)