30 Genius Hacks to Make Your House Smell Good Naturally

6 Natural Room Scents

6. Natural Room Scents: Add fragrance to your home using simmering waters infused with spices, herbs, & fruit. (via The Yummy Life)

7 Homemade Essential Oil Air Fresheners

7. Homemade Essential Oil Air Fresheners: When my sons were diagnosed with allergies and asthma, I had to throw out all my pretty smelling air fresheners. I learned to make my own using allergy-friendly ingredients you can find in moderately-stocked grocery stores or department stores. Allergy safe, great smelling, and toxin-free, these air fresheners are simple and inexpensive, too! (via Tasty Kitchen)

8 Super Simple Homemade Air Freshener

8. Super Simple Homemade Air Freshener (via The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking)

9 Car Clip Air Freshener

9. Car Clip Air Freshener: Ugh have you ever had a car that smelled damp and moldy? Well we do and its gross! But I refuse to use chemicals! My partner on the other hand has absolutely no problem using… (via Healthy Holistic Living)

10 Natural Aromatherapy Air Freshener

10. Natural Aromatherapy Air Freshener: By Charlynn Avery Have you ever considered what creates the aroma of that new car scent air freshener dangling from your rear view mirror? Sure, it may help you ignore the reality that your car is not, in fact, new. But it wont give you the benefits of pure essential oils. Below, Ill give you (via The Cayenne Room)