30 Insanely Efficient Products You Will Love to Have

6 Toaster that toasts your bread and piles it up for you

Toaster that toasts your bread and piles it up for you6. Toaster that toasts your bread and piles it up for you: in use how to use how it works (via George Watson)

7 Toast launcher, set angle and force to exactly hit your plate

Toast launcher, set angle and force to exactly hit your plate7. Toast launcher, set angle and force to exactly hit your plate: From unborn to undead (via ivo vos)

8 Gum Disposal Done Right

Gum Disposal Done Right8. Gum Disposal Done Right (via Gonglue Jiang)

9 PocKetchup, Eat French Fries without the mess

PocKetchup, Eat French Fries without the mess9. PocKetchup, Eat French Fries without the mess (via BUNJUPUN)

10 Grid Nail Packaging

Grid Nail Packaging10. Grid Nail Packaging (via Enle Li)

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1 Response

  1. irene says:

    ¡¡¡genial !!!! muy buena la idea