30 Super Cool Nail Polish DIY Project Ideas and Tutorials

16 Marbled Paper Art

16. Marbled Paper Art: Please share! When I was coming up with cheap homemade art for the wall for our bathroom makeover, I had a few false starts. First I tried painting watercolor peacock feathers, but they look like my 6 year old made them. Then I tried paintings of geodes using acrylic paint, but they looked cheap and fake. (via Mad in Crafts)

17 Enameled Spoons

17. Enameled Spoons: This tutorial shows how to make DIY Enameled Spoons using supplies you already have for two looks: crackle and color block. NO skills required! Read on… (via Moms and Crafters)

18 Water Marbled Drawer Knobs

18. Water Marbled Drawer Knobs (via The Pink Doormat)

19 Marbled Hanging Planter

19. Marbled Hanging Planter: I remember when I was growing up, my parents had a window full of hanging plants that I used to help them take care of. There was something so fun about watching them grow and how they would bring so… (via Oh Joy!)

20 Marbled Glassware

20. Marbled Glassware: Obsessed with nail polish like us? Try these awesome nail polish crafts today… (via Makeup.com)