35 Awesome DIY Gift Ideas to Make for Her

31 Zipper Earrings

31. Zipper Earrings: Happy Happy Friday!! Remember those Zipper Shamrocks from the other day? Well, I was looking at the zipper pulls trying to decide what to do with them, and ya know, they’d make some really cute Zipper Earrings! Kinda funky and Read More… (via Craftaholics Anonymous)

32 Sparkling Glitter Druzy Earrings

32. Sparkling Glitter Druzy Earrings: Make a Pair of Sparkling Glitter Druzy Earrings. Whether you’re a DIY maven or a design-obsessed fashionista, there’s a good chance that you’ve spotted the druzy trend. Never heard of the term before? Druzy refers to the glittering layer of tiny crystals on a rock or stone. Luckily, you don’t Continue reading (via eHow)

33 Stacking Wire Bangles

33. Stacking Wire Bangles: Learn how to make your own DIY bangles. They are easy to make, fun to customize and are a perfect accessory for a variety of outfits! (via Darice)

34 Woven Yarn Bangles

34. Woven Yarn Bangles (via My Poppet Makes)

35 Make a Cozy Cardigan Cowl and Boot Socks From an Old Sweater

35. Make a Cozy Cardigan Cowl and Boot Socks From an Old Sweater: Create a Cozy Cardigan Cowl and Boot Socks From an Old Sweater. If you’ve declared a Handmade Holiday this season, and you still have a few people left on your gift list, you can quickly and easily create this cozy cardigan cowl that one of your loved ones would be thrilled to open on Christmas morning. Things Continue reading (via eHow)