35 Cool Garden Storage and Organization Ideas

21 Small Cedar Fence Picket Storage Shed

21. Small Cedar Fence Picket Storage Shed: Free plans to help anyone build simple, stylish furniture at large discounts from retail furniture. All woodworking plans are step by step, and include table plans, bed plans, desk plans and bookshelf plans. Thousands of readers are saving by building their own home furnishings. (via Ana White)

22 Vertical Pallet Garden

22. Vertical Pallet Garden: The warmer weather has got me movin’ and groovin’ outdoors. This past weekend I got my DIY mojo on for this months Lowe’s challenge and created (what I think) is something pretty cool. Check out my newly created Vertical Pallet Garden using colorful pots…Though the flowers are finally starting to peak through around the yard, I was in need of color NOW to start decorating my front porch for Spring. I, of course, hit up my local Lowe’s garden center to get my color fix. It’s still the early days of Spring, so the selection (at my local Lowe’s in NY) was limited, but I was able to find a few perennials for shaded areas that would be ideal for under the front covered porch. I chose a few colorful perennials & vines because they could easily be transplanted to the garden at the end of the season (smart & savvy thinking). Please Click to Continue Reading… (via Jenna Burger)

23 Simple Outdoor Bike Storage Idea

23. Simple Outdoor Bike Storage Idea (via Treesaurus)

24 Organized Garden Shed

24. Organized Garden Shed (via IHeart Organizing)

25 Outdoor Storage Bench

25. Outdoor Storage Bench: I’m very lucky to have a balcony and since I live in sunny California, I definitely wanted to make my balcony feel like an extension of my indoor space where I could eat and lounge to take in the sun. The challenge was to fit all of that into a 3.5 ft wide x 10 ft long space.I just couldn’t find any furniture that would work so I designed and built my own DIY outdoor storage bench to fit perfectly on one end of my balcony. I built the entire structure using 2″x3″, 1″ x 6″ and 1″x2″ boards and I made a video of the building process for the bench but I’ll outline the main steps here as well. (via EYSpace)