35 Everyday Foods You’ve Been Eating All Wrong

26 Keep tacos standing upright with a fork

26. Keep tacos standing upright with a fork (via bmc143)

27 Dip bacon in pancake batter

27. Dip bacon in pancake batter (via ifiwonthelottery)

28 Pour milk and crushed Oreo cookies into an ice cube tray, then freeze for the best iced coffee ever

28. Pour milk and crushed Oreo cookies into an ice cube tray, then freeze for the best iced coffee ever (via ItsAFuckingCrocodile)

29 How to Sip a Soda

29. How to Sip a Soda (via FOODBEAST)

30 Easily Peel a Mango

30. Easily Peel a Mango (via pantrypervert)