35 Super Easy Things You Can Do to Get Your Kitchen Organized

26 Turn unused space over the refrigerator into extra storage

26. Turn unused space over the refrigerator into extra storage: Stay organized, cut clutter, and store more in your kitchen. Here is a round-up of easy ways to get it done. (via Better Homes and Gardens)

27 Use bins to declutter your fridge

27. Use bins to declutter your fridge (via Goodbye, House. Hello, Home! Blog)

28 Pantry Dividers

28. Pantry Dividers: A kitchen is the busiest room in a house. At any given time, you may be cooking, baking, prepping, cleaning, or jotting down a shopping list. Make all of those tasks easier and more time-efficient with our organizing ideas. Most take just minutes and will save you hours each week. (via Martha Stewart)

29 Shaped Storage Tray

29. Shaped Storage Tray: Looking for kitchen storage ideas? Find clever ways to stash cooking utensils with these great utensil storage solutions. (via Better Homes and Gardens)

30 A pegboard is a flexible way to hang all kinds of kitchen tools

30. A pegboard is a flexible way to hang all kinds of kitchen tools: Rebekka Seale’s home smells like lavender, lemons, and melted butter. It’s small and cozy, the type of place in which you want to snuggle up and read a book on a rainy afternoon. Everything in Rebekka’s kitchen and dining room is meticulously matched, from the white subway tiles to the fresh flowers that grace her windowsill. She even bought a minty, mossy green-yellow nail polish to match her favorite ice cream flavor (Jeni’s honey pistachio). Join us as we tour her lovely space! (via The Kitchn)