35 Super Easy Things You Can Do to Get Your Kitchen Organized

31 Corral like items in plastic bins, and label them for convenience

31. Corral like items in plastic bins, and label them for convenience: Stay organized, cut clutter, and store more in your kitchen. Here is a round-up of easy ways to get it done. (via Better Homes and Gardens)

32 Using Mason Jars for Organization

32. Using Mason Jars for Organization (via beingsarahmarie)

33 Baking Storage

33. Baking Storage: Stay organized, cut clutter, and store more in your kitchen. Here is a round-up of easy ways to get it done. (via Better Homes and Gardens)

34 Quick Tip for Pantry Organization

34. Quick Tip for Pantry Organization: *Please Note: This post has been updated. I am very well aware the foods shown in the pantry organizer are not the healthiest foods. In fact, I learned that the hard way with my own health. That being said, we do not eat many of the foods in the picture any longer. However, we do still use the shoe organizer. It works great! Please read the original post and the updated version below. Thank you. (via Money Saving Queen)

35 Hanging Baskets

35. Hanging Baskets: A kitchen is the busiest room in a house. At any given time, you may be cooking, baking, prepping, cleaning, or jotting down a shopping list. Make all of those tasks easier and more time-efficient with our organizing ideas. Most take just minutes and will save you hours each week. (via Martha Stewart)