40 Amazing Rugs that You Can Make Yourself without Breaking the Bank

1 Woven Rag Rug

1. Woven Rag Rug: Tutorial on how to recycle old bed sheet into woven rag rug. (via Craft Passion)

2 Aztec Dropcloth Rug

2. Aztec Dropcloth Rug: This dropcloth rug uses just some great paint to turn a really cheap fabric into an incredible rug. DIY CAN be worth it! (via Nellie Bellie)

3 Wooden Floor Mat

3. Wooden Floor Mat: Greet guests with a welcoming rainbow of colors. You can build it using basic tools, inexpensive lumber and common hardware. (via Lowes)

4 Felted Stone Rug

4. Felted Stone Rug (via Yes I Made That)

5 Braided Doormat

5. Braided Doormat: Braided Doormat and more on MarthaStewart (via Martha Stewart)