40 Awesome No-Knit DIY Yarn Project Tutorials

6 T-Shirt Memory Scarf

6. T-Shirt Memory Scarf: While I was cleaning out my closet a few weeks ago, I found an old brown paper grocery bag with the words, “Clothes of sentimental value! DO NOT THROW AWAY (via Make)

7 Pom Pom Wreath

7. Pom Pom Wreath (via My Poppet Makes)

8 Yarn-Wrapped Love Wreath

8. Yarn-Wrapped Love Wreath (via House of Humble)

9 No Knit Scarf

9. No Knit Scarf: We love Rike Feurstein. Her hats are sick and her chunky knits are lusciously bold and amazing. And when we saw her Dylan scarf, we thought it was genius. A scarf that didn’t require knitting? Sign me up! We love to knit but it can be time consuming and time is money, right? Here is our attempt at (via Honestly WTF)

10 Petite Yarn Bow

10. Petite Yarn Bow (via Craft Snob)