45 Awesome DIY Project Ideas of Turning Pallets Into Unique Pieces of Furniture

16 Swing Bed

16. Swing Bed: Oh the endless things you can do with pallets! A swing bed has been on my “Mike To-Make List” for some time (oh how long that list is! ???? ). And we’ve had some pallets sitting in the yard just wait… (via The Merrythought)

17 Bookshelf

17. Bookshelf (via Me and Madeline)

18 Gardening Table

18. Gardening Table: Why yes, another pallet project coming your way.I’ve only created 328 pallet projects thus far. well maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration…Anyway, I’ve been busy with creating something new and different using pallets.What did I make? A Pallet Gardening Bench…I’ve never seen this something like this before (maybe it’s on pinterest, but lately it’s been crushing my creative juices so I try to stay clear)Why did I create it? Because I needed a spot of my own to do my gardening and potting. As I’ve said before, gardening isn’t my strong-suit, but when I do enjoy it and hope to get better. Spending hours on the driveway hunched over, is just not happening anymore.And why did I use pallets? BECAUSE THEY’RE FREE. how much better does FREE get… Plus I really like the size & look of pallets. Don’t you?In all, this project cost less than $10 to make and basically the money was spent on hardware.Please Click to Continue Reading… (via Jenna Burger)

19 Popcorn Stand

19. Popcorn Stand: A week ago we were in Michigan celebrating Mr. LMBs little sisters graduation. It was seriously so amazing that we could be home to celebrate such a big moment in her life & we got to help decorate & set up for her big graduation party as well. From small DIY projects like mason jar (via Liz Marie Blog)

20 Reading Bed for Nursing

20. Reading Bed for Nursing: UPDATE: For those following a link directly to this post, you can find pictures of the entire nursery HEREUPDATE: I recently found out the owner of the bed that inspired mine, check out her incredible site HERE When we began planning the nursery I really wanted a spot I could read with our kids (via Under the Sycamore)