45 Genius and Creative Ways to Use an Ice Cube Tray

1 Make Crayons

1. Make Crayons: Give new life to your old crayons. (via She Knows)

2 Herb Garlic Butter

2. Herb Garlic Butter: Homemade herbed butter is one of the easiest and most satisfying condiments to make. You can use most herbs (try rosemary, basil, parsley) and store it in the freezer or fridge until its ready to be used. The ice cube shapes make it readily available in your cooking and there are endless possibilities to use (via Wishful Chef)

3 Frozen Fruit Cubes

3. Frozen Fruit Cubes: Looking for the perfect way to jazz up your water? Try these fruit ice cubes! A way to sweeten your water with out using artificial flavoring or sweenteners (via MOMables)

4 Frozen Yogurt and Bananas Smoothie

4. Frozen Yogurt and Bananas Smoothie (via I Should be Mopping the Floor)

5 Fruit Juice Ice Cube

5. Fruit Juice Ice Cube: We gulp down a lot of water this time of year, and were always looking for new ways to jazz things up. Lately, we’ve been having fun with fruit juice ice cubes. They look pretty in the glass and give our water a refreshing burst of fruit flavor. Have you ever tried this? (via The Kitchn)