50 Awesome Ways To Use Mason Jars That You Need to Try

21 Cupcake Liner Storage

21. Cupcake Liner Storage (via Count It All Joy!)

22 Edible Party Favors

22. Edible Party Favors (via Southern Weddings)

23 Powdered Sugar Shaker

23. Powdered Sugar Shaker: I know, I know. We probably have too many projects that use mason jars. But they are so stinkin’ cool… and cute! And practical! Our latest project: A DIY powdered… (via The Burlap Bag)

24 Travel Time Capsules

24. Travel Time Capsules: We. Love. Traveling. We seriously have an addiction. We want to go everywhere, see everything, do anything and meet everyone. But sometimes it isnt always in our best budget senses. So we must find ways to travel and to remember our travels on the cheap-cheap. Were actually pretty good at it and this summer were (via Lauren Likes)

25 Bird Feeder

25. Bird Feeder: Mason Jar Bird Feeder Each time I walk out the farmhouse door I feel like I’m instantly transported to a nice park. With the big trees and the birds singing all around me, this tall prairie grass girl is in heaven. I didn’t grow up in a place like this, at our house the prairie grass was so … (via Little House Living)