50 Creative Ideas to Reuse and Recycle Old Tires

16 Tire Totter

16. Tire Totter: What do you get when you combine a recycled car tire, a piece of cedar, some paint and a smiley-face? A Tire Totter of course—and a great project the whole (via MyFixitUpLife)

17 Tire Chandelier

17. Tire Chandelier: Bow Berlin is a shop in the west area selling exclusive designs selected by Christian Koban and the tasteful interiors entirely made from repurposed tires. (via inhabitat)

18 Tire Pond

18. Tire Pond (via dokuchaevsk)

19 Tire Steps

19. Tire Steps (via lehua_mc)

20 Swing Set Tire Ladder

20. Swing Set Tire Ladder: I don’t have an almost 2-year-old. I have a complete Daredevil. My little guy lives for climbing up on the huge swing set and racing down the slide. This scares a Momma to death. Especially since the ladder that was on the swing set was spaced so far apart that his knee practically … (via Exploring Domesticity)