50 Creative Ideas to Reuse and Recycle Old Tires

21 Tire See Saw

21. Tire See Saw: So you may or may not remember a long, long, long, long time ago, I mentioned I was doing a special project with this: Well, with a little inspiration from this photo: I turned that tire into thes… (via According to Boyle)

22 Tire Rocker and See Saw

22. Tire Rocker and See Saw (via Barefoot in Paradise)

23 Tire Fountains

23. Tire Fountains (via Memories Collection)

24 Bar Tables

24. Bar Tables: We have seen eco-artists transforming used car tires into arresting artworks in the past. While some created arresting sculptures from them, still others, at times, failed to impress a wandering eye. Eccotrack, a recyclers group from Uruguay has… (via Green Diary)

25 Tire Dog Bed

25. Tire Dog Bed: Turn an old tire into a DIY dog bed! It’s quick and easy to do, and a great way to recycle an old tire! (via Practically Functional)