50 Creative Ways To Reuse Old Drawers

46 Wall of Drawers

46. Wall of Drawers (via Dinosaurs and Robots)

47 Turn Salvaged Drawers into Modular Storage

47. Turn Salvaged Drawers into Modular Storage: Crafty Nest shares practical, inexpensive, and pretty DIY home decorating crafts and ideas. Many of the do-it-yourself projects include salvaged, green, or recycled materials. (via Crafty Nest)

48 Drawer to Wall Storage

48. Drawer to Wall Storage (via hummmlan)

49 Two Drawers Repurposed into Basket

49. Two Drawers Repurposed into Basket (via Salvaged Whimsy)

50 Drawers as Shelving Displays

50. Drawers as Shelving Displays: Styling by Rebecca McEvoy, Photos by Damian Russel In next month’s issue of Elle Decoration, stylist Rebecca McEvoy was given 200 and sent to local thrift stores to cull out the best furniture to treat with a fresh coat of paint and showcase. The results were fantastic, but more than the furniture we were drawn to the junk drawers used as shelving in the background… (via Apartment Therapy)