50 Exceptionally Shiny DIY Glitter Project Ideas

41 Glittered Glasses Refashion

41. Glittered Glasses Refashion (via la vie DIY)

42 Sparkly Tablescape

42. Sparkly Tablescape (via theglitterguide.com)

43 Glitter Candles

43. Glitter Candles: Nothing says New Years Eve like a little glitter added to your everyday home decor. This is a really simple (read: five minute!) project that instantly transforms your plain white candles, and the result is so fun! Keep reading to see how to make them Supplies: Wax candles Scotch tape Glitter Spray Adhesive Paper Wrap (via Momtastic)

44 Glitter Jar

44. Glitter Jar: Hi friends! Today our lovely contributer, Amanda, is sharing how to make these insanely cute glittery jars for Valentine’s Day… or just any ole’ day! 1. Paint various designs on the inside of the jar with the glue. I chose to paint large hearts, stripes, and a solid gold for my three jars. Polka dots would also be cute! 2. Pour a bit of glitter into the jar to coat… (via A Beautiful Mess)

45 Glitter Nail Polish

45. Glitter Nail Polish (via EbeautyBlog.com)