50 Genius DIY Home Hacks Ideas Every Busy Homeowner Should Know

31 Aluminum Foil as Fixture Protector

31. Aluminum Foil as Fixture Protector: The secret talents of household staples. (via Real Simple)

32 Repurpose Mason Jar Rings Into Egg Rings

32. Repurpose Mason Jar Rings Into Egg Rings: If you’re anything like me, every time you make eggs, they’re scrambled eggs. No matter how gently I flip the egg, the yolk breaks. No matter how I try to keep it in that perfect little circle, some of it starts to migrate across the pan. This makes it hard to have a nice breakfast sandwich featuring (via Starbright’s Kitchen)

33 Fix scratches in wood furniture

33. Fix scratches in wood furniture (via Domestic Bliss Squared)

34 Vinegar, water and an old sock are all the items you need to clean blinds

34. Vinegar, water and an old sock are all the items you need to clean blinds (via Keep Home Simple)

35 Use contact paper to mock up walls of frames

35. Use contact paper to mock up walls of frames: If you’ve taken our house tour you may have noticed there are very few pictures hanging on the walls. Its been driving me crazy but I just hadn’t gotten around to finding frames, pictures that fit and getting them hung. But this past weekend I dug out the frames we used at the apartment. Some Share the joy (via Branch and Twig)