50 Things You Can Make from Cereal Boxes

46 Mini Piñatas

46. Mini Piñatas (via Oh Happy Day)

47 Cereal Box Organizer

47. Cereal Box Organizer: Kids go through cereal fast. Make use of all the empty boxes by turning them into handy holders for their desks. (via Martha Stewart)

48 Twine Basket

48. Twine Basket: DIY Baskets from Cereal Box – Amazingly easy and it cost me nothing to make it! (via Inspired by Familia)

49 Cereal Box Valentine Holder

49. Cereal Box Valentine Holder (via Plaid)

50 Cereal Box Village

50. Cereal Box Village: I have had this tutorial on my mind for so long! I love little houses and creating wee villages, definitely a carry over from my childhood, and have been wanting to make some of my own to play decorate with. I figured I could make houses from all the cardboard boxes in my recycling so now I have finally taken pictures and written up a tutorial to share with you! There are a lot of pictures but the tutorial is actually very simple. Once the house is made it can be painted or covered with paper or even left plain. You can also leave one flap open and use it as a gift box, part of an advent, or just a hiding place for treasures ???? Supplies:… (via Bella Dia)