How Soon Do People Want Their Parcels Delivered?

If you’re placing an order online, then there’s an inherent delay between the point of purchase and the point of actually receiving the item. Advances in logistics have reduced the delivery time impressively, and sites like Parcel2Go allow customers to pick the fastest courier available. But just how fast is enough for the customer? You… Continue reading How Soon Do People Want Their Parcels Delivered?

Why 34% Of Workers Want to Remain Working from Home Forever

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way many people perceive working life and their role in the workforce. With social distancing measures and countless lockdowns, countless offices in cities across the UK (and across the world at large) have pivoted to a working from home solution. Cutting out the commute and settling into a… Continue reading Why 34% Of Workers Want to Remain Working from Home Forever