27 Clever Closet and Drawer Organization Ideas

16 Label Kids’ Drawers Using Cute Labels

16. Label Kids’ Drawers Using Cute Labels: Get your closets in order using our favorite closet organization ideas. Learn how to adapt strategies and plans to work for your home’s closets and see what savvy tricks can help keep closets clutter-free. (via Better Homes)

17 PVC Tubes Hanging Racks

17. PVC Tubes Hanging Racks (via x4duros)

18 Use a Peg Board

18. Use a Peg Board (via Lookie What I Did)

19 Use Rubber Bands to Keep Clothes on the Hanger

19. Use Rubber Bands to Keep Clothes on the Hanger: Some of our smartest ways to rethink common items. (via Real Simple)

20 Organizing Tights

20. Organizing Tights (via Julie Ann Art)