30 Creative Handprint Art DIY Project Gift Ideas

16 5 Reason Why I love You Father’s Day Handprint Keepsake

16. 5 Reason Why I love You Father’s Day Handprint Keepsake: Have you checked out our latest post: 20 Fathers Day Handprint and Footprint Crafts? It is filled with wonderful ideas from crafters around the web. I still finding it unbelieve how many fun things can be created with little hands and feet!!! Of course we couldn’t resist making a handprint craft for this special day. (via Fun Handprint Art)

17 Baby Handprints Forever

17. Baby Handprints Forever: The creative space to buy and sell all things handmade, vintage, and supplies (via Lilyshop)

18 Hearts and Handprints

18. Hearts and Handprints (via Max and Ellie)

19 Hand Print Pillows

19. Hand Print Pillows (via House of Noise… I mean boys)

20 Wall Handprint Father’s Day Art

20. Wall Handprint Father’s Day Art: Please tell me I’m not the only one out there. You know. The one with the impossible hubby in the category that is gifts. Whether its Christmas, his birthday, or the ever-dreaded father’s day…it feels a bit like attempting to conquer mount Everest. In flip flops. (via The Handmade Home)