30 Creative Handprint Art DIY Project Gift Ideas

21 Handprint Trees Wrapped Canvas

Handprint Trees Wrapped Canvas21. Handprint Trees Wrapped Canvas (via Come Together Kids)

22 Handprint Butterfly

Handprint Butterfly22. Handprint Butterfly: paper craft: mother’s day card and canvas whoa. mother’s day is definitely creeping up on us. here are a few ideas. it’s next Sunday people!!! last year, this w (via Craft)

23 Mitten Handprint

Mitten Handprint23. Mitten Handprint (via Honest to Nod)

24 Family Handprint Canvas

Family Handprint Canvas24. Family Handprint Canvas: Make DIY gifts for someone you love from the entire family! Or on second thought, you might want to keep this one for yourself. Supplies: any color paint, canvases and paint brushes. Step 1: paint the back of each canvas the background color you prefer. Step 2: gather color for handprints and paint child’s hand. (via Green Kid Crafts)

25 Family Handprint Wall Art

Family Handprint Wall Art25. Family Handprint Wall Art: We know I’m a sucker for meaningful art. Now that I think about it, I could probably count on one hand the pieces that decorate my walls that aren’t family photos, children’s masterpieces, words th… (via Naptime Decorator)

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