35 Inspiring DIY Bird Feeder Plans and Ideas

16 Recycled Milk Carton Bird Feeder

16. Recycled Milk Carton Bird Feeder: Since our biodegradable bird feeders are no more, I thought it was time for another bird feeder project. I took some empty milk cartons and with a box cutter, I cut an square opening on two sides opposite of each other. Then it was time for the kids to decorate them with paint. Buddy’s didn’t (via Always, Amanda)

17 Window Bird Feeder

17. Window Bird Feeder: Free plans to help anyone build simple, stylish furniture at large discounts from retail furniture. All woodworking plans are step by step, and include table plans, bed plans, desk plans and bookshelf plans. Thousands of readers are saving by building their own home furnishings. (via Ana White)

18 Toilet Roll Bird Feeder

18. Toilet Roll Bird Feeder: Today we bring you these two creative uses of toilet paper tubes for a summer project. Peanut Butter Bird Feeder and Binoculars to Keep an eye on the birds once they’re snacking in your backyard!All… (via Play from Scratch)

19 Road Map Birdhouses

19. Road Map Birdhouses: When I go to the flea market during the warm months, I’m always looking for old maps to use in craft projects and home decor projects. Last fall I picked up a few state road maps, but each time I tried to use them in a project they just weren’t the right fit. However,Read More (via Crafts by Amanda)

20 Pine Cone Bird Feeder

20. Pine Cone Bird Feeder: We are having more fun with the birdies this week, with yet MORE Bird Feeders the kids can make. They got really excited about the Cheerio Bird Feeders we made a few days ago and wanted to make MORE. Ever looking for new ideas and things to try out, we thought we would give these (via Red Ted Art)