35 Newspaper And Magazine Craft Ideas

31 Kitchen and Bedroom Wall Decor

31. Kitchen and Bedroom Wall Decor: If youve already learned how to make cornets from newspapers, you may try to make this creative diy wall art project and use it for decoration in your kitchen or bedroom. (via DIY Enthusiasts)

32 Magazine Coasters

32. Magazine Coasters: We buy magazines, flip through them and then toss. With so many colors, fonts and fine details within, we barely take the time to read the headlines. … (via Instructables)

33 Paper Garland

33. Paper Garland: Here’s a fun little project that uses up materials you probably have around the house and brings a whole lot of cheer and love! These little garlands are made from newspaper and really nothing more, but the layering and folding of the shapes turns something that usually ending up in the recycling bin into something pretty and charming in no time flat. (via Think Crafts)

34 Magazine Vase

34. Magazine Vase (via Sarahgrand)

35 Starburst Clock

35. Starburst Clock: When we saw this retro-inspired wall clock that our friend Genevieve created, we knew we had to get her to share. She generously took photographs and notes throughout the process, and now you can make a cute, DIY wall clock, too. The best part: you can recycle your unwanted junk mail! (via Apartment Therapy)