40 Chic DIY Ear Cuffs that You Can Make Yourself

31 Fashionable Ear Cuff

31. Fashionable Ear Cuff (via Zeberka)

32 Tiny Rhinestone Ear Cuff

32. Tiny Rhinestone Ear Cuff (via Transient Expression)

33 Chain Accessories Ear Cuff

33. Chain Accessories Ear Cuff (via Boat People Vintage)

34 Kralen Beads Ear Cuff

34. Kralen Beads Ear Cuff: Earcuff TUTORIAL!!! (on BIG demand) – JEWELRY AND TRINKETS – I started making ear cuffs half a week ago, and already LOTS of people were asking me to make a tutorial.I made two.One on the basic cuff, just to get (via Craftster)

35 Swirly Ear Cuff

35. Swirly Ear Cuff (via Shealynn’s Faerie Shoppe)