45 Creative Things to Make with Popsicle Sticks with Tutorials

21 Chandelier

21. Chandelier: Creativity Tip: Find inspiration from the materials you used from your previous projects. I have realized that this is the reason why I’ve been having a good DIY streak. From the doily mobile I mad… (via Bored and Crafty)

22 Baskets

22. Baskets (via ikat bag)

23 Clock

23. Clock (via Hip House Girl)

24 Easels

24. Easels (via ikat bag)

25 Battery Organizer and Dispenser

25. Battery Organizer and Dispenser: As I was going through all of my batteries and other stuff trying to find two AAA batteries that just wouldn’t come out, I thought, Why not make a battery organizer to organize all of my batteries in an orderly fashion? So I set out to make it and thought, Why not make it out of Popsicle sticks? and add it to my new series of instructables, Popsicle stick hacks. So I did, and this will be The second one in the series right after my Popsicle stick bender, which can be found here. So, here is my second Popsicle stick hack. (via pucksurfer)

1 comment

  1. it is very useful to me bcoz it is one of the competition in my college i hace participated in this competition so,while i used to see this images i think its an great idea to me and i will get success in my competition

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