50 Awesome DIY Photography Hacks Everyone Should Try

1 Use a Dab of Vaseline to Take Vintage-Style Photos

1. Use a Dab of Vaseline to Take Vintage-Style Photos: Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3 Recently we asked friends of our Tumblr page what they’d most like to see covered in our next tutorial. The (via Photojojo!)

2 Make a Quick-Fix Camera Dolly with a Towel and a Book

2. Make a Quick-Fix Camera Dolly with a Towel and a Book: Need to do a quick tracking shot on a table but don’t have any dedicated camera equipment for doing so? A book and some fine powder can be a cheap and easy (via Peta Pixel)

3 Cheap Flash Mounted Softbox

3. Cheap Flash Mounted Softbox: If you are a photographer and using flash (either for studio pictures or for outdoor shooting), you are probably aware of the problems that a hot-shoe flash introduces: the shadows of an object are crisp-sharp, creating an artificial look to the object. When dealing with studio lighting, you can use a softbox to diffuse your shadows and this is an acceptable solution, but for the amateur photographer it does have some disadvantages:1. A softbox is very expensive. A simple softbox like this softbox from Arri, can cost several hundreds of dollars. (See our big DIY softbox version) (via DIY Photography)

4 Soften Pop-up Flash with an Empty Milk Carton

4. Soften Pop-up Flash with an Empty Milk Carton: In our latest DIY Photography Hacks post we’ll show you how to use an empty milk carton as a more compact diffuser to soften pop-up flash. (via Digital Camera World)

5 Make Your Own Fabric Backdrop

5. Make Your Own Fabric Backdrop: Want to take pictures that look clean and professional. Use this easy photo backdrop to enhance the quality of your photos. We have a paper photo sweep in the office, but since I make a lot of my projects at home I wanted a space where I could take nice pictures. This photography sweep is easy to set up and very affordable. Unlike our photo sweep in the office (frenzy made a great instructable on it see here), mine uses fabric instead of paper. I figured this would be more affordable because when the sweep gets dirty I can just throw it in the wash. (via Carleyy)

1 comment

  1. Sarnie bag makes pretty good effects for shooting portraits. I like using different colours when I can too.

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