50 Creative DIY Wall Art Ideas to Decorate ANY Space

26 Framed Scarf

26. Framed Scarf (via Honey Sweet Home)

27 Washi Tape Dot Wall Art

27. Washi Tape Dot Wall Art: Have you ever had the overwhelming urge to put spots on one of your walls? I have! And one of these days, I’m going to buy a house so I can completely fulfill the dream of putting up spotty wallpaper. However while were still renting (and are too lazy to repaint when we leave), I’ve Continue Reading > (via Fellow Fellow)

28 Potato Print Wall Art

28. Potato Print Wall Art (via Oh Happy Day)

29 Bamboo Stick Sunburst

29. Bamboo Stick Sunburst (via Ten June)

30 Framed Glitter

30. Framed Glitter (via Mr. Kate)