50 DIY Decoupage Project Ideas to Make

21 Decoupaged Dresser

21. Decoupaged Dresser: Decoupage is artistic sleight of hand. What appears to be a painted design is actually paper, glued in place. What looks like lacquer is just a few coats of clear varnish. And what begins as an unremarkable piece of furniture becomes a bold, modern design statement, when adorned with leaves and vines. You might embellish an armoire with oversize tropical foliage or cover a plain dresser with Victorian botanical prints. Suddenly, that forgettable piece becomes the focus of the room.Early forms of decoupage were seen in 12th-century Asia, but the craft as we know it owes much to the exquisite Oriental lacquer work so widely admired in seventeenth-century Europe. Imports were in high demand, so artisans, particularly in Venice, mimicked them by cutting out prints and engravings, gluing them to furniture, then covering them with varnish. The technique was called lacca povera, or “poor man’s lacquer.”A similar process, using flowers and other sentimental motifs, was popularized in England, and by the nineteenth century, decorative images were made available for this purpose. (via Martha Stewart)

22 Decoupage Flowerpots

22. Decoupage Flowerpots (via A Shabby Moment in Time)

23 Easy Decoupage Flower Pot

23. Easy Decoupage Flower Pot (via Petite Planet)

24 Decoupaged Dresser

24. Decoupaged Dresser: I couldn’t really think of anything to give my son, Cooper, when he graduated from the University of North Carolina this past summer. I just remember thinking how proud my father would have been. … (via American Paint Company)

25 Decoupage with Napkins

25. Decoupage with Napkins (via La Receta de la Felicidad)